# (decoded with TMPL 128) *****: (EOF-terminated list) 0: Error: -32768 Text: 'Temporarily disable card but run primary init.' 1: Error: -32615 Text: 'bitmap font passed to routine that does outlines only' 2: Error: -23048 Text: 'outOfMemory' 3: Error: -23047 Text: 'dnrErr' 4: Error: -23046 Text: 'noAnsErr' 5: Error: -23045 Text: 'authNameErr' 6: Error: -23044 Text: 'noNameServer' 7: Error: -23043 Text: 'noResultProc' 8: Error: -23042 Text: 'cacheFault' 9: Error: -23041 Text: 'nameSyntaxErr' 10: Error: -23037 Text: 'can't route packet off-net' 11: Error: -23036 Text: 'no memory to send fragmented pkt' 12: Error: -23035 Text: 'ICMP echo timed-out' 13: Error: -23033 Text: 'destination not responding' 14: Error: -23032 Text: 'Packet too large to send w/o fragmenting' 15: Error: -23017 Text: 'duplicateSocket' 16: Error: -23016 Text: 'commandTimeout' 17: Error: -23015 Text: 'openFailed' 18: Error: -23014 Text: 'invalidRDS' 19: Error: -23014 Text: 'invalidWDS' 20: Error: -23013 Text: 'invalidBufPtr' 21: Error: -23012 Text: 'connectionTerminated' 22: Error: -23011 Text: 'streamAlreadyOpen' 23: Error: -23010 Text: 'invalidStreamPtr' 24: Error: -23009 Text: 'insufficient resources to perform request' 25: Error: -23008 Text: 'connection does not exist' 26: Error: -23007 Text: 'request conflicts with existing connection' 27: Error: -23006 Text: 'invalidLength' 28: Error: -23005 Text: 'connection is closing' 29: Error: -23004 Text: 'error in getting address' 30: Error: -23003 Text: 'error in MacTCP load' 31: Error: -23002 Text: 'missing IP or LAP configuration error' 32: Error: -23001 Text: 'bad IP configuration error' 33: Error: -23000 Text: 'bad network configuration' 34: Error: -13005 Text: 'pmRecvEndErr' 35: Error: -13004 Text: 'during receive, pmgr did not start hs' 36: Error: -13003 Text: 'during send, pmgr did not finish hs' 37: Error: -13002 Text: 'during send, pmgr did not start hs' 38: Error: -13001 Text: 'Timed out waiting for reply' 39: Error: -13000 Text: 'Power Mgr never ready to start handshake' 40: Error: -11005 Text: 'the picture data was invalid' 41: Error: -11004 Text: 'the number of colors requested was illegal' 42: Error: -11003 Text: 'unable to load the custom pick proc' 43: Error: -11002 Text: 'the passed verb was invalid' 44: Error: -11001 Text: 'the internal consistancy check for the PictInfoID is wrong' 45: Error: -11000 Text: 'wrong version of the PictInfo structure' 46: Error: -5502 Text: 'Version bigger than call can handle' 47: Error: -5501 Text: 'Version non-positive' 48: Error: -5500 Text: 'returned by glue.' 49: Error: -5044 Text: 'afpInsideTrashErr' 50: Error: -5043 Text: 'afpInsideSharedErr' 51: Error: -5042 Text: 'afpPwdExpiredErr' 52: Error: -5041 Text: 'afpPwdTooShortErr' 53: Error: -5040 Text: 'afpPwdSameErr' 54: Error: -5039 Text: 'afpBadIDErr' 55: Error: -5038 Text: 'afpSameObjectErr' 56: Error: -5037 Text: 'afpCatalogChanged' 57: Error: -5036 Text: 'afpDiffVolErr' 58: Error: -5035 Text: 'afpIDExists' 59: Error: -5034 Text: 'afpIDNotFound' 60: Error: -5033 Text: 'the folder being shared contains a shared folder' 61: Error: -5032 Text: 'Object is M/R/D/W inhibited' 62: Error: -5031 Text: 'Volume is Read-Only' 63: Error: -5030 Text: 'afpIconTypeError' 64: Error: -5029 Text: 'afpDirNotFound' 65: Error: -5028 Text: 'afpCantRename' 66: Error: -5027 Text: 'afpServerGoingDown' 67: Error: -5026 Text: 'afpTooManyFilesOpen' 68: Error: -5025 Text: 'afpObjectTypeErr' 69: Error: -5024 Text: 'afpCallNotSupported' 70: Error: -5023 Text: 'afpUserNotAuth' 71: Error: -5022 Text: 'afpSessClosed' 72: Error: -5021 Text: 'afpRangeOverlap' 73: Error: -5020 Text: 'afpRangeNotLocked' 74: Error: -5019 Text: 'afpParmErr' 75: Error: -5018 Text: 'afpObjectNotFound' 76: Error: -5017 Text: 'afpObjectExists' 77: Error: -5016 Text: 'afpNoServer' 78: Error: -5015 Text: 'afpNoMoreLocks' 79: Error: -5014 Text: 'afpMiscErr' 80: Error: -5013 Text: 'afpLockErr' 81: Error: -5012 Text: 'afpItemNotFound' 82: Error: -5011 Text: 'afpFlatVol' 83: Error: -5010 Text: 'afpFileBusy' 84: Error: -5009 Text: 'afpEofError' 85: Error: -5008 Text: 'afpDiskFull' 86: Error: -5007 Text: 'afpDirNotEmpty' 87: Error: -5006 Text: 'afpDenyConflict' 88: Error: -5005 Text: 'afpCantMove' 89: Error: -5004 Text: 'afpBitmapErr' 90: Error: -5003 Text: 'afpBadVersNum' 91: Error: -5002 Text: 'afpBadUAM' 92: Error: -5001 Text: 'afpAuthContinue' 93: Error: -5000 Text: 'afpAccessDenied' 94: Error: -3109 Text: 'sktClosedErr' 95: Error: -3108 Text: 'recNotFnd' 96: Error: -3107 Text: 'atpBadRsp' 97: Error: -3106 Text: 'atpLenErr' 98: Error: -3105 Text: 'readQErr' 99: Error: -3104 Text: 'extractErr' 100: Error: -3103 Text: 'ckSumErr' 101: Error: -3102 Text: 'noMPPErr' 102: Error: -3101 Text: 'buf2SmallErr' 103: Error: -1719 Text: 'Index is out of range in a put operation' 104: Error: -1718 Text: 'errAEReplyNotArrived' 105: Error: -1717 Text: 'errAEHandlerNotFound' 106: Error: -1716 Text: 'The target address type is not known' 107: Error: -1715 Text: 'a required parameter was not accessed' 108: Error: -1714 Text: 'there is no special function with this keyword' 109: Error: -1713 Text: 'no user interaction allowed' 110: Error: -1712 Text: 'AppleEvent timed out' 111: Error: -1711 Text: 'errAEWaitCanceled' 112: Error: -1710 Text: 'errAEUnknownSendMode' 113: Error: -1709 Text: 'AEResetTimer was passed an invalid reply parameter' 114: Error: -1708 Text: 'The AppleEvent was not handled by any handler' 115: Error: -1707 Text: 'The event is not in AppleEvent format' 116: Error: -1706 Text: 'Need newer version of AppleEvent Manager' 117: Error: -1705 Text: 'Specified list item does not exist' 118: Error: -1704 Text: 'errAENotAEDesc' 119: Error: -1703 Text: 'errAEWrongDataType' 120: Error: -1702 Text: 'errAECorruptData' 121: Error: -1701 Text: 'errAEDescNotFound' 122: Error: -1700 Text: 'errAECoercionFail' 123: Error: -1307 Text: 'file id is dangling or doesn't match with the file number' 124: Error: -1306 Text: 'can't exchange a file with itself' 125: Error: -1305 Text: 'desktop database files are corrupted' 126: Error: -1304 Text: 'the catalog has been modified' 127: Error: -1303 Text: 'files on different volumes' 128: Error: -1302 Text: 'directory specified' 129: Error: -1301 Text: 'file id already exists' 130: Error: -1300 Text: 'no file thread exists.' 131: Error: -1280 Text: 'bad connection refNum' 132: Error: -1279 Text: 'control call was aborted' 133: Error: -1278 Text: 'bad connection state for this operation' 134: Error: -1277 Text: 'open connection request failed' 135: Error: -1276 Text: 'attention message too long' 136: Error: -1275 Text: 'read terminated by forward reset' 137: Error: -1274 Text: 'DSP Read/Write Queue Too small' 138: Error: -1273 Text: 'open connection request was denied' 139: Error: -1105 Text: 'reqAborted' 140: Error: -1104 Text: 'noDataArea' 141: Error: -1103 Text: 'noSendResp' 142: Error: -1102 Text: 'cbNotFound' 143: Error: -1101 Text: 'noRelErr' 144: Error: -1100 Text: 'badBuffNum' 145: Error: -1099 Text: 'badATPSkt' 146: Error: -1098 Text: 'tooManySkts' 147: Error: -1097 Text: 'tooManyReqs' 148: Error: -1096 Text: 'reqFailed' 149: Error: -1075 Text: 'No ack on attention request (server err)' 150: Error: -1074 Text: 'Too many clients (server error)' 151: Error: -1073 Text: 'Command block too big' 152: Error: -1072 Text: 'Session closed' 153: Error: -1071 Text: 'Server cannot open another session' 154: Error: -1070 Text: 'Parameter error' 155: Error: -1069 Text: 'No servers at that address' 156: Error: -1068 Text: 'No more sessions on server' 157: Error: -1067 Text: 'Buffer too small' 158: Error: -1066 Text: 'Server cannot support this ASP version' 159: Error: -1029 Text: 'Error trying to open the NIS' 160: Error: -1028 Text: 'Name not found on remove' 161: Error: -1027 Text: 'Duplicate name exists already' 162: Error: -1026 Text: 'Name confirmed at different socket' 163: Error: -1025 Text: 'nbpNoConfirm' 164: Error: -1024 Text: 'Buffer overflow in LookupName' 165: Error: -932 Text: 'destination port requires authentication' 166: Error: -931 Text: 'location name malformed' 167: Error: -930 Text: 'illegal service type, or not supported' 168: Error: -928 Text: 'Invalid user reference number' 169: Error: -927 Text: 'unable to authenticate user at destination' 170: Error: -926 Text: 'noInformErr' 171: Error: -925 Text: 'An error has occured in the network, not too likely' 172: Error: -924 Text: 'unable to create a new userRefNum' 173: Error: -923 Text: 'The default userRefNum does not yet exist' 174: Error: -922 Text: 'noDefaultUserErr' 175: Error: -919 Text: 'PPCPortRec malformed' 176: Error: -917 Text: 'session was closed' 177: Error: -916 Text: 'port was closed' 178: Error: -915 Text: 'unable to contact destination' 179: Error: -914 Text: 'A system resource is missing, not too likely' 180: Error: -913 Text: 'noMachineNameErr' 181: Error: -912 Text: 'Destination rejected the session request' 182: Error: -911 Text: 'user name unknown on destination machine' 183: Error: -910 Text: 'port is already open (perhaps in another app)' 184: Error: -909 Text: 'bad parameter or invalid state for operation' 185: Error: -908 Text: 'Invalid session reference number' 186: Error: -907 Text: 'Out of session tables, try again later' 187: Error: -906 Text: 'Port does not exist at destination' 188: Error: -905 Text: 'Network activity is currently disabled' 189: Error: -904 Text: 'The system is hosed, better re-boot' 190: Error: -903 Text: 'Unable to open port or bad portRefNum' 191: Error: -902 Text: 'nameTypeErr' 192: Error: -900 Text: 'PPCToolBox not initialized' 193: Error: -625 Text: 'unable to defer additional functions' 194: Error: -624 Text: 'donšt call with interrupts masked' 195: Error: -623 Text: 'specified range of memory is not locked' 196: Error: -622 Text: 'cannot make specified range contiguous' 197: Error: -621 Text: 'specified range of memory is not held' 198: Error: -620 Text: 'insufficient physical memory' 199: Error: -606 Text: 'app is BG-only, and launch flags disallow this' 200: Error: -605 Text: 'application SIZE not big enough for launch' 201: Error: -604 Text: 'hardware configuration not correct for call' 202: Error: -603 Text: 'app made module calls in improper order' 203: Error: -602 Text: 'memory mode is 32-bit, but app not 32-bit clean' 204: Error: -601 Text: 'not enough room to launch app w/special requirements' 205: Error: -600 Text: 'no eligible process with specified descriptor' 206: Error: -502 Text: 'bad selector for _HWPriv' 207: Error: -501 Text: 'scrap item too big for text edit record' 208: Error: -500 Text: 'rgnTooBigErr' 209: Error: -492 Text: 'user debugger break; execute debugger commands on stack' 210: Error: -491 Text: 'user debugger break; display string on stack' 211: Error: -490 Text: 'user debugger break' 212: Error: -463 Text: 'not the first registered publisher for that container' 213: Error: -462 Text: 'container already opened by this section' 214: Error: -461 Text: 'could not find editionContainer at this time' 215: Error: -460 Text: 'A Publisher is already registered for that container' 216: Error: -454 Text: 'can not use sub parts in this release' 217: Error: -453 Text: 'edition file is corrupt' 218: Error: -452 Text: 'not a registered SectionRecord' 219: Error: -451 Text: 'not a valid SectionRecord' 220: Error: -450 Text: 'edition manager not inited by this app' 221: Error: -400 Text: 'gcr format on high density media error' 222: Error: -360 Text: 'invalid slot # error' 223: Error: -351 Text: 'Record not found in the SRT.' 224: Error: -350 Text: 'SRT over flow.' 225: Error: -349 Text: 'No opens were successfull in the loop.' 226: Error: -348 Text: 'Offset was too big (temporary error' 227: Error: -347 Text: 'NumByteLanes was determined to be zero.' 228: Error: -346 Text: 'Bad pointer was passed to sCalcsPointer' 229: Error: -345 Text: 'Error occurred during _sGetDriver.' 230: Error: -344 Text: 'No more sResources' 231: Error: -343 Text: 'Error occured during _sDisDrvrName.' 232: Error: -342 Text: 'Error occured during _sGetDrvrName.' 233: Error: -341 Text: 'Status of slot = fail.' 234: Error: -340 Text: '_BlockMove error' 235: Error: -339 Text: '_NewPtr error' 236: Error: -338 Text: 'Selector out of bounds error' 237: Error: -337 Text: 'Slot out of bounds error' 238: Error: -336 Text: 'smNilsBlockErr' 239: Error: -335 Text: 'smsPointerNil' 240: Error: -334 Text: 'Code revision is wrong' 241: Error: -333 Text: 'Code revision is wrong' 242: Error: -332 Text: 'Reserved field not zero' 243: Error: -331 Text: 'Bad sList: Id1 < Id2 < Id3 ...format is not followed.' 244: Error: -330 Text: 'Reference Id not found in List' 245: Error: -320 Text: 'BusError time out.' 246: Error: -319 Text: 'BoardId was wrong; re-init the PRAM record.' 247: Error: -318 Text: 'SDM jump table could not be created.' 248: Error: -317 Text: 'smInitTblVErr' 249: Error: -316 Text: 'smInitStatVErr' 250: Error: -315 Text: 'No Board Id.' 251: Error: -314 Text: 'Error occured during _sGetPRAMRec (See SIMStatus).' 252: Error: -313 Text: 'No Board sResource.' 253: Error: -312 Text: '_DisposePointer error' 254: Error: -311 Text: 'smFHBlkDispErr' 255: Error: -310 Text: 'Error occured during _sGetFHeader.' 256: Error: -309 Text: 'ByteLanes field was bad.' 257: Error: -308 Text: 'Unexpected BusError' 258: Error: -307 Text: 'Fatal reserved error. Resreved field <> 0.' 259: Error: -306 Text: 'No sInfoArray. Memory Mgr error.' 260: Error: -305 Text: 'This slot is disabled (-305 use to be smLWTstBad)' 261: Error: -304 Text: 'Directory offset is Nil' 262: Error: -303 Text: 'Wrong revison level' 263: Error: -302 Text: 'FHeader Format is not Apple's' 264: Error: -301 Text: 'CRC check failed for declaration data' 265: Error: -300 Text: 'No card in slot' 266: Error: -299 Text: 'wrong queue type' 267: Error: -293 Text: 'Error; Cards could not be initialized.' 268: Error: -292 Text: 'Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.' 269: Error: -291 Text: 'Error; Slot Resource Table could not be initialized.' 270: Error: -290 Text: 'Error; SDM could not be initialized.' 271: Error: -232 Text: 'invalid quality selector (returned by driver)' 272: Error: -231 Text: 'invalid info type selector (returned by driver)' 273: Error: -230 Text: 'input device hardware failure' 274: Error: -229 Text: 'invalid input device reference number' 275: Error: -228 Text: 'input device could not be opened' 276: Error: -227 Text: 'input device already in use' 277: Error: -226 Text: 'invalid sample size' 278: Error: -225 Text: 'invalid sample rate' 279: Error: -224 Text: 'hard drive too slow to record to disk' 280: Error: -223 Text: 'invalid compression type' 281: Error: -222 Text: 'returned by synchronous SPBRecord if nil buffer passed' 282: Error: -221 Text: 'invalid index passed to SoundInGetIndexedDevice' 283: Error: -220 Text: 'no Sound Input hardware' 284: Error: -212 Text: 'not enough CPU cycles left to add another task' 285: Error: -211 Text: 'channelNotBusy' 286: Error: -210 Text: 'can not operate in the memory allowed' 287: Error: -209 Text: 'the Channel is being used for a PFD already' 288: Error: -208 Text: 'was not type AIFF or was of bad format,corrupt' 289: Error: -207 Text: 'could not allocate enough memory' 290: Error: -206 Text: 'badFormat' 291: Error: -205 Text: 'badChannel' 292: Error: -204 Text: 'resProblem' 293: Error: -203 Text: 'queueFull' 294: Error: -201 Text: 'notEnoughHardwareErr' 295: Error: -200 Text: 'noHardwareErr' 296: Error: -199 Text: 'map inconsistent with operation' 297: Error: -198 Text: 'attribute inconsistent with operation' 298: Error: -197 Text: 'RmveReference failed' 299: Error: -196 Text: 'RmveResource failed' 300: Error: -195 Text: 'AddReference failed' 301: Error: -194 Text: 'AddResource failed' 302: Error: -193 Text: 'Resource file not found' 303: Error: -192 Text: 'Resource not found' 304: Error: -186 Text: 'CantDecompress' 305: Error: -185 Text: 'extended resource has a bad format.' 306: Error: -156 Text: 'invalid resolution for MakeITable' 307: Error: -155 Text: 'invalid type of graphics device' 308: Error: -154 Text: 'colorTable entry protection violation' 309: Error: -153 Text: 'range error on colorTable request' 310: Error: -152 Text: 'failed to allocate memory for structure' 311: Error: -151 Text: 'failed to allocate memory for temporary structures' 312: Error: -150 Text: 'Color2Index failed to find an index' 313: Error: -149 Text: 'nsStackErr' 314: Error: -148 Text: 'pixMapTooDeepErr' 315: Error: -147 Text: 'rgnTooBigError' 316: Error: -145 Text: 'noMemForPictPlaybackErr' 317: Error: -128 Text: 'userCanceledErr' 318: Error: -127 Text: 'could not find HMenu's parent in MenuKey' 319: Error: -126 Text: 'system error code for MBDF not found' 320: Error: -125 Text: 'insufficient memory to update a pixmap' 321: Error: -124 Text: 'Server volume has been disconnected.' 322: Error: -123 Text: 'Wrong volume type error [operation not supported for MFS]' 323: Error: -122 Text: 'Move into offspring error' 324: Error: -121 Text: 'No free WDCB available' 325: Error: -120 Text: 'Directory not found' 326: Error: -117 Text: 'trying to move a locked block (MoveHHi)' 327: Error: -116 Text: 'Size Check failed' 328: Error: -115 Text: 'Block Check failed' 329: Error: -114 Text: 'Pointer Check failed' 330: Error: -113 Text: 'Address in zone check failed' 331: Error: -112 Text: 'trying to purge a locked or non-purgeable block' 332: Error: -111 Text: 'WhichZone failed (applied to free block)' 333: Error: -110 Text: 'address was odd; or out of range' 334: Error: -109 Text: 'Master Pointer was NIL in HandleZone or other' 335: Error: -108 Text: 'Not enough room in heap zone' 336: Error: -102 Text: 'No object of that type in scrap' 337: Error: -100 Text: 'No scrap exists error' 338: Error: -99 Text: 'error in ROZ' 339: Error: -98 Text: 'portNotCf' 340: Error: -97 Text: 'driver Open error code (port is in use)' 341: Error: -95 Text: 'excessive collisions on write' 342: Error: -94 Text: 'error in attaching/detaching protocol' 343: Error: -93 Text: 'no network bridge for non-local send' 344: Error: -92 Text: 'data length too big' 345: Error: -91 Text: 'error in soket number' 346: Error: -90 Text: 'Break received (SCC)' 347: Error: -89 Text: 'SCC receiver error (framing; parity; OR)' 348: Error: -88 Text: 'InitUtil found the parameter ram uninitialized' 349: Error: -87 Text: 'parameter ram written didn't read-verify' 350: Error: -86 Text: 'time written did not verify' 351: Error: -85 Text: 'unable to read same clock value twice' 352: Error: -84 Text: 'firstDskErr' 353: Error: -84 Text: 'track failed to verify' 354: Error: -83 Text: 'can't get enough sync' 355: Error: -82 Text: 'can't find sector 0 after track format' 356: Error: -81 Text: 'sector number never found on a track' 357: Error: -80 Text: 'track number wrong on address mark' 358: Error: -79 Text: 'unable to correctly adjust disk speed' 359: Error: -78 Text: 'tried to read 2nd side on a 1-sided drive' 360: Error: -77 Text: 'unable to initialize IWM' 361: Error: -76 Text: 'track 0 detect doesn't change' 362: Error: -75 Text: 'step handshake failed' 363: Error: -74 Text: 'write underrun occurred' 364: Error: -73 Text: 'bad data mark bit slip nibbles' 365: Error: -72 Text: 'bad data mark checksum' 366: Error: -71 Text: 'couldn't find a data mark header' 367: Error: -70 Text: 'bad addr mark bit slip nibbles' 368: Error: -69 Text: 'addr mark checksum didn't check' 369: Error: -68 Text: 'read verify compare failed' 370: Error: -67 Text: 'couldn't find valid addr mark' 371: Error: -66 Text: 'couldn't find 5 nybbles in 200 tries' 372: Error: -66 Text: 'font substitution occured' 373: Error: -65 Text: 'font not declared' 374: Error: -65 Text: 'r/w requested for an off-line drive' 375: Error: -64 Text: 'drive not installed' 376: Error: -64 Text: 'error during font declaration' 377: Error: -64 Text: 'lastDskErr' 378: Error: -61 Text: 'write permissions error' 379: Error: -60 Text: 'bad master directory block' 380: Error: -59 Text: 'fsRnErr' 381: Error: -58 Text: 'volume in question belongs to an external fs' 382: Error: -57 Text: 'not a mac diskette (sig bytes are wrong)' 383: Error: -56 Text: 'no such drive (tried to mount a bad drive num)' 384: Error: -55 Text: 'drive volume already on-line at MountVol' 385: Error: -54 Text: 'permissions error (on file open)' 386: Error: -53 Text: 'volume not on line error (was Ejected)' 387: Error: -52 Text: 'get file position error' 388: Error: -51 Text: 'refnum error' 389: Error: -50 Text: 'error in user parameter list' 390: Error: -49 Text: 'file already open with with write permission' 391: Error: -48 Text: 'duplicate filename (rename)' 392: Error: -47 Text: 'File is busy (delete)' 393: Error: -46 Text: 'volume is locked' 394: Error: -45 Text: 'file is locked' 395: Error: -44 Text: 'diskette is write protected.' 396: Error: -43 Text: 'File not found' 397: Error: -42 Text: 'too many files open' 398: Error: -41 Text: 'memory full (open) or file won't fit (load)' 399: Error: -40 Text: 'tried to position to before start of file (r/w)' 400: Error: -39 Text: 'End of file' 401: Error: -38 Text: 'File not open' 402: Error: -37 Text: 'there may be no bad names in the final system!' 403: Error: -36 Text: 'I/O error (bummers)' 404: Error: -35 Text: 'no such volume' 405: Error: -34 Text: 'disk full' 406: Error: -33 Text: 'Directory full' 407: Error: -30 Text: 'dce extension error' 408: Error: -29 Text: 'unit table has no more entries' 409: Error: -28 Text: 'Couldn't rd/wr/ctl/sts cause driver not opened' 410: Error: -27 Text: 'IO abort error (Printing Manager)' 411: Error: -27 Text: 'IO call aborted by KillIO' 412: Error: -26 Text: 'DrvrInstall couldn't find driver in resources' 413: Error: -25 Text: 'tried to remove an open driver' 414: Error: -24 Text: 'closErr' 415: Error: -23 Text: 'openErr' 416: Error: -22 Text: 'unitEmptyErr' 417: Error: -21 Text: 'badUnitErr' 418: Error: -20 Text: 'writErr' 419: Error: -19 Text: 'readErr' 420: Error: -18 Text: 'statusErr' 421: Error: -17 Text: 'controlErr' 422: Error: -8 Text: 'no debugger installed to handle debugger command' 423: Error: -5 Text: 'invalid queue element' 424: Error: -4 Text: 'unimplemented core routine' 425: Error: -3 Text: 'core routine number out of range' 426: Error: -2 Text: 'invalid queue element' 427: Error: -1 Text: 'queue element not found during deletion'